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[리얼클래스 학습일기 및 후기] 마이펫의 이중생활 Day5_주도권을 차지하는 방법


복습_기억나는 문장 말하기

Don't start, now.

Dog person.

I'm running late.


I feel like that's not entirely true.

I feel like reading is so underrated.

Is it just me? I feel like It's going to rain today. 

I feel like he's such a liar. his story doesn't add up!

Oh, I did something wrong again. I feel like I keep failing my mom.


My boss told me I had to finish the work by the end of the day, so I was like "Seriously? by tonight?".

and he was like, "Yeah, you can handle it just fine, right?", so I was like "Oh, Sure!".

and inside I was like "Wow, I'm really done with this company."


리얼클래스 강의 내용

Listen, Duke. I'm not sure if you're aware, but one of those food bowls, technically~


→ technically: 엄밀히 말하자면

A: You're my friend, right?

B: No. Technically, we are not friends because you're older than me.

Katie's gonna flip out when she sees how you trashed her whole place.


 flip out: 벌컥 화내다, 빡치다, 열받다

I totally flipped out.

I just flipped out.

 freak out: 패닉하다.


Oh, that's a shame.


→ 이를 어쩌나, 안됐네.

→ shame: 수치

What a shame.

That's too bad.

This could only be the work of a dangerous stray.


→ stray: 길을 잃은 동물 혹은 사람, 떠돌이

I saw so many stray dogs today.

She always feeds stray cats.

Rip my face off?

→  rip off: 뜯어내다.


Oh, help. Katie! Thank goodness you're here!

→ 정말 다행이다.

A: You've passed your exam!

B: Thank goodness I can graduate now!


100일 챌린지_Day 6


1. I forgot what I was going to say.

2. Yes. I was going to do that. But I kind of forgot, Sorry.

3. Well, I was going to tell you that, but he said I can't.

4. I was going to go to Starbucks, but It was closed so I ended up going back home.

5. She said she was going to open up a restaurant but because of the pandemic, she gave it up.

톡톡 작문_화요일

A: What's something that recently brought a smile to your face at work?

B: When I learn something that I didn’t know at all, and it is completely done, that brings a smile to my face. I feel really great about having completed the job successfully. 

→ 더 향상된 글

When I learn something new and complete it successfully, it brings a smile to my face. I feel really great about my accomplishment.

A: That sounds amazing, Echo! It must feel really rewarding to learn something new and complete it successfully.

B: Yes. I'm happy when I feel rewarded during my work. I think it's the most important thing about my job. 

→ 더 향상된 글

Yes. I feel happy when my work is rewarding. I think it's the most important aspect of my job.

A: I totally agree, Echo. Feeling rewarded at work is so important. It keeps you motivated and happy.

B: I know. Also, I feel happy when I learn new knowledge and feel that I'm improving.

→ 더 향상된 글

I know, Also, I feel happy when I acquire new knowledge and notice my improvement.

A: That's wonderful, Echo! Continuous learning and improvement are key to personal and professional growth. Keep it up! Talk to you later.



오늘 톡톡으로 작문을 해보면서 느낀거지만, AI가 진짜 대단하다고 생각했다. 이제는 진짜 나의 생각까지 알아봐주는 느낌이다..

특히 이 기능은 영어를 가르쳐주기위해 개발된 AI라 그런지 설명도 너무 자세하게 잘해주고 더 좋은 표현을 너무 잘 알려줘서 생각보다 크게 만족하며 사용중이다. 하루에 3번씩 대화를 할 수 있는데, 맨날 시간이 없어서 한번씩 밖에 못하고 있는데, 더 잘 활용해주길 나 자신에게 부탁한다.

오늘의 리얼 톡톡 피드백

