복습_기억나는 문장 말하기
Do you mind if I take it?
리얼클래스 강의 내용
Now, I know there are some rumors out there,
and I just kinda wanna set the record straight-
→ set the record straight : 기록을 바로잡다, 오해를 바로잡다
Let me set the record straight.
Let's set the record straight between us.
I want you to set the record straight.
That's just the rumor going around.
→ the rumor (that is) going around: 떠도는 소문
Did you hear the rumor going around?
He asked me about the rumor going around.
she told me about the rumor going around.
If you're unhappy with your compensation, maybe you should take it up with HR.
→ take it up with~: ~와 이야기하다, ~에게 따지다
Don't take that up with my friends. Go and talk to your friends.
You'll have to take it up with our CEO.
And, frankly, I'm a little bit insulted that you have to keep asking about it.
→ insulted : 기분 나쁜, 모욕당한
A lot of students in the class felt insulted by Dr.Lee's remarks.
The word that you just used can make some people feel very insulted.
All right. Here's the deal, you guys.
→ 자, 이런거야. (정리해 줄게)
<정리하는 멘트>
Here's how it goes.
이렇게 하자.
Let me tell you this.
이말은 하고 넘어가자.
Hear me out.
Do you like going out at the end of the week for a drink?
→ go out : 나가 놀다, 외출하다, 사귀다
Do you want to go out tonight?
오늘밤에 나가서 놀래?
When are we going out?
우리 언제 놀러갈래?
Are you guys going out?
너희 사겨?
It's okay here. Uh, but people sometimes take advantage because it's so relaxed.
다닐만해요. 그런데 사람들이 가끔 이곳의 느긋한 분위기를 이용해 먹죠.
→take advantage: 이용하다
He took advantage of your weakness.
그가 네 약점을 이용했어.
We took full advantage of the internet access.
우리는 인터넷을 사용할 수 있다는 점을 최대한 활용했다.
You cannot screw around there.
screw around: 빈둥거리다, 노닥거리다, 엉뚱한 짓하다.
'성적으로 문란하게 놀다' 라는 의미도 있기 때문에 상황을 잘 구분해서 써야한다.
We've been screwing around since the boss left.
Stop screwing around and help me with this.
The thing about a practical joke is that you have to know when to start, as well as when to stop.
장난칠 때 중요한 건 언제 시작할지 알아야하고, 언제 멈출지도 알아야 한다는거야.
→The thing about ~: ~에 대해 중요한 것은
The thing about the virus is that it's very contagious.
The thing about her is that she doesn't know when to stop.
100일 챌린지
차라리: I’d rather/might as well
→ I’d rather (would rather) (좋고 나쁨과는 관련없이 개인의 선호/취향 반영된) 선택
→ might as well (그게 낫겠다. 처럼 좋고 나쁨의 기준으로 내가 판단했을 때 가장 나은 옵션)
1. I’d rather walk there than take a bus.
2. I’d rather stay in than go out tonight.
3. It’s raining. I might as well just grab a cab home.
4. I’m too tired to do anything. I might as well go to bed.
5. It is what it is. You might as well just let it go and move on.
get something P.P
→ (서비스등을) 받았을때
get something done
겟함 무언가를 ~한 상태의
I got my hair cut/permed/dyed/done.
1. OMG, Did you get your hair done?
2. I got my nails done. It's giving summer!
3. I got my ears pierced a year ago.
4. I went to the dentist this morning to get my teeth cleaned.
5. My car's been making this weird noise for two days. I need to get it checked.
리얼클래스에 관심있으시면 친구 추천으로 3만원 할인쿠폰을 받으실 수 있어요!
콘텐츠로 배우는 진짜 영어, 리얼클래스의 클래스 메이트로 초대합니다. 클래스 메이트 초대 쿠폰 30,000원이 적용된 할인가로 리얼클래스를 시작하세요.
콘텐츠로 배우는 진짜 영어, 리얼클래스
리얼클래스에서 애니, 미드, 영드, 영화, 팝송으로 영어를 배우세요. 내 취향에 맞는 콘텐츠로 맞춤식 영어 학습이 가능해집니다.
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