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[리얼클래스 학습일기] 마이펫의 이중생활 Day8_유기동물 단속반에 걸리다


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리얼클래스 강의 내용


→ 재빨리 도망가다, 꺼져, 도망가, 튀어



꺼지라는 의미

Get out of here.

Get lost.

Beat it.

Piss off. 소변이 빠져나가는?ㅋㅋㅋ


ㅗ가아니라ㅓ발음이 난다.








I don't like to use this phrase because it's offensive to our kind. but you are a bad dog.


offend :동사: 기분 나쁘게 하다

offense:명사: 기분나쁘게 하는 행동

offensive:형용사: 기분나쁘게  하는


Was it offensive? 그게 불쾌했니?

Was it offensive to you?

Yes, it was so offensive.


Max, it's the end of the line for me.


the end of the line: 종점, 한계


I did everything I could do for her. It's the end of the line for me.

It's the end of the line for me. I quit.

I did my best. It was the end of the line for me.


100일 챌린지

[Day10] be able to

→ can: 조동사 (일반적 상황)

be able to: be동사 (일시적 상황)


그래서 조동사가 2개를 쓸 수는 없으니까,

will 같은 조동사나 be going to, used to, have 와 함께 쓰고 싶을 때는 be able to를 써서 활용하면된다.


1. I haven't been able to sleep well lately.

2. My mom was on the phone, so. I was able to sneak out.

3. If you wanna get the job, you must be able to speak English.

4. I used to be able to play the flute, but I can't do it now.

5. I don't think I can see you on Saturday, but I'll be able to meet you on Sunday.

[Day11] could use : 했으면 좋겠다.

need 보다 덜 직접적, 더 구어체스럽다.


1. I could seriously use a cup of coffee right now.

2. We could use some help from chat GPT.

3. You look super tired. You could use some rest.

4. I could use some advice on which car to buy.

5. I didn't get much sleep last night. I could really use a nap.

[Day12] (be) cut out for: 적성에 잘 맞다, 타고났어

fit/suit: 잘 맞다, 잘 어울리다


1. I don't know if I'm cut out for this.

2. I quit my job. I feel like I'm not cut out for teaching.

3. I feel really good about this. This is what I'm cut out for.

4. I like being around people so working in the office suits me perfectly

5. This part-time job really fits me, cause my boss lets me study while I work.


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