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[리얼클래스 학습일기] 마이펫의 이중생활 Day1_내 이름은 맥스


오늘부터 리얼 클래스 학습일기를 써보려고 한다.

리얼클래스를 한달정도 이용했는데 일단 강의들이 너무 좋아서 만족하면서 수강중이다.


그러면서 배운 내용을 메모하고 내가 직접 써본 작문들을 기록할 곳이 필요했는데,

리얼클래스에서 학습일기 장학금 이벤트를 하고 있어서, 내 티스토리 페이지를 사용해서 메모장으로 이용해보려고 한다.


일단 리얼클래스안의 커리큘럼을 둘러보니, 영화나 드라마에 나오는 대사를 통해서 재미있게 공부할 수 있어서 너무 좋았다.

오늘부터 공부할 [마이펫의 이중생활]이라는 애니메이션 영화로는 두가지 버전의 강의가 있었는데,

원어민이 잘 사용하는 단어를 통해 문장의 뉘앙스와 응용문장을 설명하는 [타일러]의 강의와,

문법위주로 설명하며 응용문장을 배울 수 있는 [문에스더]의 강의였다. 


하나의 영상으로 두가지 형태의 강의를 들을 수 있다니 진짜 너무 좋은 구성이라고 생각했다.

그래서 나는 하루에 4-5분 정도의 영상에 대한 두개의 강의를 함께 들으며 학습일기를 적어볼 예정이다.


그리고 최근에 유튜버 Hello Jennie 의 [일상 영어회화 100일 챌린지] 도 함께 해볼 예정이다.

또, 리얼클래스 톡톡으로 오늘 배운 영어 표현을 최대한 활용하며 작문하기 까지!! 거대한 목표를 가지고 시작! 


하루 목표

1. [리얼클래스] 수강 및 쉐도잉

2. Hello Jennie [일상 영어회화 100일 챌린지] 

3. 배운 영어 표현을 최대한 활용해서 [리얼클래스:톡톡] 작문하기

리얼클래스 강의 내용

I've lived in this city all my life.

→ 현재완료 : have + p.p.

(막~했다, 쭉 ~해왔다, ~ 한 적이 있다, 지금도 ~하다)


I've just seen him. (막~했다)

I have lived here all my life. (쭉 ~해왔다)

I have drunk spoiled milk. (~ 한 적이 있다)

I've lost my wallet. (지금도 ~하다)


*맥락을 통해 4가지 해석 중에 가장 알맞은 것으로 해석한다.

We got along right away.


→ get along with ~ : ~와 잘 지내다, ~와 죽이 잘 맞는다

→ right away: 곧바로


I get along with them.

I get along with cats pretty well.

I don't get along with dogs.

I don't get along with him.

Do you get along with your brother or sister?

Yes, I get along with my brother.


Do this right away.

Right away! 곧바로 하겠습니다!

It was one of those relationships where- where you just know.


→ one of ~ : ~중의 하나


He's one of my best friends.

That's one of my favorite foods.


I wouldn't go so far as to call us soulmates.


→ I wouldn't go so far as ~ : ~라고 까지는 하지  않겠지만]


I wouldn't go so far. 그렇게까진 안하겠어요.

I woudn't go so far as to surprise her.


We've been together ever since.

→ ever since : 그 이후로 계속, 그 후 줄곧


ever since I met you.

ever since I saw you.

You took a shower back then. And I've loved you ever since.

You bought me chocolate back then. And I've loved you ever since.

Katie would do anything for me.

→ would : ~ 할 것이다, ~ 할 마음이 있다


I would do it.


A: Do you wanna build a snowman?

B: I would. (그러고싶지)

pretty much every day...


→ pretty much : 거의 


That's pretty much the same.

That's pretty much true.

That's pretty much what I do.

It's pretty much done.

What took so long? Why did you...

→ take : 걸리다

What took so long? Why did you?


It takes 2 hours.

It takes 2 days.

It takes me 2 days.

Any plans today?


→ (Do you have) any plans today? : 오늘 무슨 계획있어요?


Any plans this weekend?

Any plans next year?

Oh, that sounds exciting.

sound ~ : ~처럼 들리다, ~인 것 같다


Um, that sounds boring to me.

Oh, that sounds exciting.

so long.

so long : 잘 있어, 이만, 다시 만날 때까지 안녕


<비슷한 인사표현>


See you later.

Have a good day/evening/night.

Nice talking to you.

Nice seeing you.

Take care.

get this.

→ get this: 들어봐.


Get this! I'm going to London for this holiday!

And the price for all of theses - Get this - is $20. 


here you go

→ here you go: 자, 여기. 


A: Can you pass me the salt, please?

B: Here you go! 여기 있습니다.

100일 챌린지 Day 1



I think 말고 이거!

(논리적, 이성적, 팩트기반)


I feel like 

봤을 때 (직관)

개인적 의견을 말할때


1. I feel like that's not entirely true.

2. I feel like reading is so underrated.

3. Is it just me? I feel like It's going to rain today.

4. I feel like he's such a liar. His story just doesn't add up.

5. Gosh, I did something wrong again. I feel like I keep failing my mom.




A: What's something new you've tried this year, Echo?

B: I've worked as a chief from this year. I was good at cooking and eating but It's my first experience working as a chief.

It's difficult yet but I'm trying to get along with my job. I wouldn't go so far to call me the profecianal chief but I feel like I would be like that


→문법이나 철자오류

I've worked as a chef from this year. I was good at cooking and eating, but it's my first experience working as a chef.

It's difficult yet, but I'm trying to get along with my job. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a professional chef, but I feel like I could become one.


→ 더 향상된 글

 I started working as a chef this year. I was good at cooking and eating, but this is my first experience working as a chef. It isn't easy, but I'm trying to get along with my job. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a professional chef, but I feel like I could become one.


A: Wow, that sounds amazing, Echo! 

Being a. chef must be both challenging and rewarding.  It's great that you're trying to get along with your job. Keep it up, and I'm sure you'll become a professional chef soon.


B: Thank you for saying that. I really hope so.


→ 더 향상된 글

Thank you for your kind words. I truly hope so.


A: You're welcome, Echo! I'm sure you'll do great. If you ever need someone to taste your dishes, I'm here!

B: Sure. Yes, I need. I want to invite you to my cafe. I can make some dishes for you. And also you might get a bit discount. please come to my cafe one day.


→문법이나 철자오류

Sure. Yes, I need. I want to invite you to my cafe. I can make some dishes for you. And also you might get a bit of a discount. please come to my cafe one day.


→ 더 향상된 글

Sure. Yes,  I need. I would like to invite you to my cafe. I can prepare some dishes for you. Also, you might get a small discount. please visit my cafe someday.


A: That sounds wonderful, Echo! I'd love to visit your cafe someday. Thank you for the invitation and the discount offer. Take care and keep up the great work!


리얼클래스 수강에 관심있으신 분들은 아래 링크를 통해 가입하면 3만원 할인받으실 수 있어요.


콘텐츠로 배우는 진짜 영어, 리얼클래스의 클래스 메이트로 초대합니다. 클래스 메이트 초대 쿠폰 30,000원이 적용된 할인가로 리얼클래스를 시작하세요.


콘텐츠로 배우는 진짜 영어, 리얼클래스

리얼클래스에서 애니, 미드, 영드, 영화, 팝송으로 영어를 배우세요. 내 취향에 맞는 콘텐츠로 맞춤식 영어 학습이 가능해집니다.


