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[리얼클래스 학습일기] 마이펫의 이중생활 Day2_맥스의 집으로 모이는 펫들


복습_생각나는 문장 말하기


I've lived in this city all my life.

You know? It was one of those relationships where you just know.

We've been together ever since.

I wouldn't go so far as to call us soul mates, even though, any sane person who saw us would.

Any plans today?

Here you go.


I feel like that's not entirely true.

I feel like he is such a liar. His story just doesn't add up.

Is it just me? I feel like it's going to rain today.

I feel like reading is so underrated.


I started working as a chef this year. I was good at cooking and eating in my life, but this is my first experience working as a chef. It's not easy, but I'm trying to get along with my job. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a professional chef, but I feel like I could become one.

리얼클래스 강의 내용 

Do you ever wonder where they go during the day?


→ Do you ever wonder ~? : ~에 대해 궁금해 해본 적 있어?


Do you ever wonder if there's life on other planets?

Do you ever buy stuff at the store?


Do you ever ~?: ~할 때가 있나요?

I'm just saying. Maybe that's why.


I'm just saying: 그냥 그렇다고. 


I'm just saying, you need to control your temper.

You look a bit chubby in that dress. I'm just saying.

Last Sunday, my owner feeds me a small white pill, right? I start to feel a little groggy. The next thing I know, I wake up, I'm in the sky.


→ 과거사건의 현재형 표현


영어권에서는 긴 스토리텔링을 말할 때는 과거이야기라도 현재시제로 나열할때도 있다.


→The next thing I know: 정신을 차리고 보니


I was working and the next thing I know, I'm in a taxi.


Yeah. So, I pass out from fear, and when I wake up I'm in Florida.


→ pass out : 기절하다, 정신을 잃다.


I passed out from fear.

I passed out from shock.

I passed out from the shock.

I passed out from the pain.

You know, I passed out from exhaustion.

I almost passed out.

You still looking for your apartment?

→ look for ~ : ~을 찾다, ~을 구하다


I'm looking for my phone.

I'm looking for my purse.

Whar are you looking for?


find : 발견하다 (look for = try to find)


→ still : 여전히, 아직


Are you still seeing each other?

Are you still preparing for your test?


seeing each other: 만나고 있는, 교제하고 있는

You know what? You can do it!


→ You know what?: 그거 알아?


You know what? You will do fine.


Yeah. Going on three weeks now.


→ go on : 계속되다.


A: When will this construction end?

B: I don't even know. It's going on forever.


A: Are you still on the lecture?

B: Yeah, it's going on and on.


You know I did.

→ You know ~: 당연히


You know we did! 당연히 우리가 이겼지

You know me. 나 알잖아.

There is no other ball in the city like this one ball, guaranteed.


→ There's no other ~: ~같은 건 또 없다.


A: Is this Tyler's 떡볶이?

B: Yeah, There's no other. 맞아 이 집만큼 맛있는 곳은 없잖아.


→ guaranteed : 보장된, 확실한, 보장해요.


This is the lowest price. guaranteed.

That dress will make him fall for you, guaranteed.

You're going to pass the test. I guarantee it.

They'll regret treating you badly. I guarantee it.

100일 챌린지 Day2


I was like


이전에 했던 말이나 리액션을 다른사람한테 전달할때 쓰는 말


1. The other day, My boss told me I had to finish the work by the end of the day.

2. So, I was like "Seriously? By tonight?"

3. and he was like "Yeah, you can handle it just fine, right?"

4. So, I was like "Uh,,, Sure."

5. But inside I was like "Oh, I'm so done with this company."


톡톡 작문


A: Dessert trends -- do they excite you or do you prefer classic sweets?

B: Actually, I don't really like enjoy desserts or sweet things. But sometimes, when I hang out with my friends, I have them. At those times, I sometimes find really delicious sweet places, and then I think, "Do I like sweets?" you know.


→ 더 향상된 글

In fact, I don't really enjoy desserts or sweets because I don't really like sweet things. However, when I hang out with my friends,  I sometimes have them. At those time, I occasionally find really delicious sweet places and wonder, "Do I like sweets?


A: I see! it's interesting how our tastes can change depending on the situation. Do you have a favorite place you fo to with your friends for sweets?

B: Actualluy, in Korea, there are do many various cafes, you know. So we can find some good sweet places easily. If they've survived, they're kind of the winner of so many competitions, guaranteed.


→ 더 향상된 글

In Korea, there are so many different cafes, so it's easy to find good places for sweets. If they've survived, it meams they've won many competitons, guaranteed.


A: Absolutely! Korean cafes are amazing and so diverse. It's great that you can find such high-quality places. Do you have a favorite type of dessert when you do decide to have something sweet?


B: Hmm,,, Yeah, I usually choose not too sweet things. For example, I don't usually choose the chocolate flavor.


→ 더 향상된 글

Hmm... Yeah, I usually prefer less sweet things. For example, I don't usually go for chocolate flavor.



리얼클래스 수강에 관심있으신 분들은 아래 링크를 통해 가입하면 3만원 할인받으실 수 있어요.


콘텐츠로 배우는 진짜 영어, 리얼클래스의 클래스 메이트로 초대합니다. 클래스 메이트 초대 쿠폰 30,000원이 적용된 할인가로 리얼클래스를 시작하세요.


콘텐츠로 배우는 진짜 영어, 리얼클래스

리얼클래스에서 애니, 미드, 영드, 영화, 팝송으로 영어를 배우세요. 내 취향에 맞는 콘텐츠로 맞춤식 영어 학습이 가능해집니다.


