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[리얼클래스 학습일기] The Office1 Day 22& The Office2 Day 2


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리얼클래스 강의 내용

시즌 2-2

Well, I think if you use the same jokes, it just comes across as lazy.


→ come across as ~: ~와 같은 인상을 주다.~로 다가오다

He comes across as being shy.

She doesn't come across as a bad person.

That may come across as being offensive.


Look, I know there have been a lot of rumors flying around about the Dundies this year.


→Rumors flying around: 돌고있는 소문

There are a lot of rumors flying around about him.

I heard that there are some rumors flying around.

Did you hear about the rumors flying around?

I didn't know there were such rumors flying around about me.

Apparently, there were some silly rumors flying around here.


Keep your acceptance speeches short.


→ acceptance speeches: 수락연설, 수상연설, 수상소감

keep ~ short: ~를 짧게 하다.

cut ~ short: ~를 짧게 마무리하다. 

I'll keep it short.

I'll keep my remarks short.

We had to cut the meeting short.

우린회의를 짧게 마무리해야했다.


If you cannot behave like ladies, well then, you are not going to have a bathroom.

숙녀처럼 행동하지 못한다면, 여러분은 화장실을 가질 자격이 없습니다.


behave like~: ~처럼 행동하다.

act like~: ~처럼 연기하다.

Stop behaving like a child.

Why are you behaving like a stranger?



Basketball was kind of my thing in high school.


Baseball is my thing.

I didn't know singing was your thing.

Chocolates are not my thing. 

It's just that it's not my thing.

Dancing was never my thing.

I'm just saying, Roy is very competitive.


competitive: 승부욕이 강한, 경쟁심이 강한.

I'm very competitive.

My friends are very competitive.

She thinks I am too competitive.


Classic beginner's mistake. Eating before a game.


classic: 전형적인, 최고 수준의

He's a classic example of the American Dream.

Coughing is one of the classic signs of asthma.


Yeah, I'm just forwarding the phones.

응, 전화 돌리고 있어.


forward: 수신한 전화를 다른 번호로 연결하다.

I will forward the message to my colleague.

I will forward your call to my manager.


You should feel free to come along.

feel free to~: 주저하지말고 ~해라, 편하게 ~해라


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me after class.

Feel free to enjoy this complimentary service.


That's what I'm talking about.


A: I hate how he shows off in front of my family.

B: That's what I'm talking about.




100일 챌린지

어땠어? How was it? 말고,

How do you like it? 어때? (어떤점이 좋았어?)

How did you like it? 어땠어?


1. How did you like the movie?

2. You took him to that cafe! So how did you like it there?

3. So you moved! How do you like your new house?

4. Check this out. I've got a new shirt. How do you like it?

5.  You finally watched Desperate Housewives? OMG, How did you like the show?

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