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리얼클래스 강의 내용
I'll just get a ride home from Angela.
→ get a ride home: 집까지 차를 얻어타다
I can give you a ride.
Can you give me a ride?
Do you have a ride? 타고 갈 차 있어요?
Your ride or mine?
This next award goes to somebody who really lights up the office.
→ light up: 밝게 해준다, 기분좋게 해준다.
She always lights me up.
lighten up: 밝게 하다
Let's lighten up the mood.
Thanks for lightening me up.
Her smile lit up the room. lit은 light의 과거형
All good people light up the world.
That's the least of my concerns right now.
→ concern: 우려, 걱정, 관심사
He is the least of my concerns.
Money is the least of my concerns right now.
지금 돈이 중요한게 아니야.
Per usual.
늘 그랬듯이
He was unruffled as per usual.
Per usual, I woke up and went to the gym.
I'm just in time for Ping.
→ just in time for~: ~에 딱 맞춰서, 알맞은 때에
You are just in time for dinner!
It arrived just in time for her birthday.
No, no. 'cause the ice melts, and then it's like, second drink.
100일 챌린지
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