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[리얼클래스 학습일기] The Office Day 19 메레디스의 생일파티


복습_기억나는 문장 말하기

Drew is bummed you're missing the beach match with the boy's game next weekend.

Oh, make sure you tell Sophie to square up for the block.

Drew is texting me about you, and you're talking about volleyball? Are you serious right now?

He doesn't care if I'm there or not. He just wants an excuse to text you.

and you better take this against the boys, Seriously. The team pride is on the line, Taylor.

Hey, you know I'm better than that. I'd never let the guy beat me at anything.

-> Hey, you know me better than that. I'd never let a boy beat me at anything.

리얼클래스 강의 내용

Read it out loud.

→ Read ~ out: ~을 소리내어 읽다.

Can you read it out?

I want you to read it out loud.

She read it out loud in front of everyone. 


It was anonymous.

→ anonymous: 익명의

We had an anonymous vote.

It came from an anonymous donor.


Thanks, downer.

→ downer: 흥깨는 사람.

Are you going to leave now? What a downer.

Don't be such a downer.


Ladies, not your best effort.

→ not ~'s best effort: ~의 최선이 아니다. 최대 능력치

Tom, that was not your best effort. you need to practice.

I can tell it's not your best effort. 그거 니 최선이 아니란걸 알아.


I really wasn't gonna flaunt this.

→ flaunt: 과시하다


How come Jeremy openly flaunts his affair with his secretary and at the same time says he loves his wife?

He is very private and does not flaunt his wealth.


I have something that totally tops the box.

상자사건보다 훨씬 센 소식이 있어.

→ top: ~보다 더 높다. 1위를 차지하다, 위, 꼭대기

명사 또는 형용사 단어를 동사로 사용할 시 문장을 훨씬 간결하고 고급스럽게 표현하는 것이 가능하다.

She topped everyone in her class.

His song topped the chart.


What, are you trying to cop a feel or something, Halpert?

→ cop a feel: 더듬다, 몰래 만지다.

cop: 경찰(명사), 얻다 훔치다(동사)

Did you just try to cop a feel?

One of them tried to cop a feel and Anne slapped him.


I think Jum might have learned a very valuable lesson.

짐은 아주 귀중한 교훈을 얻었을 겁니다.

I believe all of the experiences bring us a valuable lesson.



100일 챌린지

, which is 활용법!

→ which= 관계대명사 (명사역할을 대신해주는 관계가 있다)

앞 문장에 나오는 명사!, which(주어/목적어)

앞문장(의 명사를 주어로 가져오고싶을때), which 동사 ~

앞문장(의 명사를 목적어로 가져오고 싶을때), which 주어 동사 ~

앞문장(전체를 선행사로 받아오고 싶을때), which is/was ~

1. She feels so distant today, which is weird.

2. I ran into my ex in the mall, which was super awkward.

3. He can be petty, which is why he didn't share those cookies with you.

4. I finished the project, which took the whole month!

5. I finally saw that movie, which I've wanted to see ever since it came out.

That explains why ~: 그랬구나~

→그 이야기가 왜 그런지 설명한다

That explains: 그래서 그런거였구나.

1. It kind of explains why she was upset.

2. This explains why he took it out on me.

3. Oh, that traffic. That explains why you're late today.

4. Oh, she was your twin sister. That explains why she looked so familiar.

5. You turned on the AC and left for the trip. That explains why the electricity bill was so high last month.

톡톡 작문

A: What is your biggest motivation in life?

B: The feeling that I'm a valuable person from anybody or any situation is my biggest motivation. When I help somebody and they express thanks to me, it makes me happy.

→ My biggest motivation in life is feeling valuable to others in any situation. When I help someone and they express their gratitude, it makes me happy.

A: That's wonderful. Helping others and feeling appreciated is truly motivating. Do you often find yourself in situations where you can help others?

B: Yes, I do. Because I always think I want to be a helpful person, so I can often find myself in daily life. When I work, hang with friends, and meet somebody.

→ Yes, I do. Because I always think I want to be a helpful person, I often find myself in situations where I can help others in daily life, Whether I'm working, hanging out with friends, or meeting new people.

A: That's great to hear! It sounds like you have a very positive outlook on life. What kind of work do you do?

B: I'm working as a chef. I think Chef is also a very valuable job. There are so many situation where I can help others. owner, coworkers, and customers. So, It's very fun and feels me a very valuable person.

→ I work as a chef. I believe being a chef is a very valuable job. There are many opportunities to help others and to give happiness to others, including the owner, coworkers, and customers. It's very enjoyable and makes me feel like a valuable person.

A: Being a chef sounds amazing. It's wonderful that you find so much value and hou in your work.

암기하고싶은 문장구조


공부하다가 우연히 보게된 유튜브영상인데, 소리로 영어회화 연습하게 도와주는 분이셨다.

그 뿐만아니라 좋은 문장구조도 많이 나오고 응용연습할 수 있게 도와줘서 좋았다. 그래서 좋았던 문장구조를 정리해봤다. 3시간짜리 영사이긴하지만 영어회화를 공부하는 사람이라면  한번쯤 보고 넘어가기에 좋은 영상인 것 같다.


What's the thing~


What's the thing you're obsessed with these days?

What's the thing you're watching?

What's the thing you're eating?

What was the thing you ate yesterday?


You're obsessed with~

You're obsessed in Italy with paying first.

She's obsessed with saving money.

What's the thing you're obsessed with these days?


Those who ~


Those who don't know what K-POP is.

Those who study hard will succeed.

Those who love K-POP raise your hand!

Those who don't know what the problem is 

Explain to those who don't know what the problem is.


I saw some of you guys ~ing(see 뒤라서 동사원형이 와도 됨) there.


I saw some of you guys dancing there. 

I saw some of you guys laughing there.

We saw some of you guys playing soccer there.

The teacher saw some of you guys taking pictures there.


I used to ~

I used to live in Canada for a little bit, so I played ice hockey.

I used to sing. 

I used to be a SW engineer, but now I'm not.

I used to be shy, but now I'm more confident.

I used to think learning English was difficult, but now I enjoy it.


You got ~? 

여기서 소개하는 거의 모든 대화문에 get을 사용한 문장이 나오는데, 외국인들이 일상회화에서 get을 얼마나 많이 활용하는지 알 수 있다.

You got Canadian here?

You got milk here? 우유있어?

You do get bothered, don't you? 

(be pp는 받는 그상태, get pp 는 변화된 상태)

You get used to that clicking sound.

(get used to this: 이것에 익숙해지다) I'll never get used to him.

When I get home, I give my son a big hug.

어떤 사람의 말투를 따라하고 싶다고 생각되는 모델이 있어야한다고 말하신다. (I think I wanna be like Jennie🩷 and Rachel anne Mcadams) 미란다커처럼 따라하다보면 얼굴도 그렇게되지 않을까요? 라고 말하는 부분에서 빵터졌다. 하지만 진정 공감하는 부분이다. 


both/ either / neither 총정리

1. both A and B: A, B 둘다 맞을 때.

2. either A or B: A, B 둘 중 하나

3. neither A nor B: A, B 둘 다 아닐 때


I sort of ~ : 약간 (=kind of~)

And I sort of bent down like this. 내가 밑으로 약간 구부렸어.


kill me: 죽여준다. 죽인다

That movie kills me. You know, what I love? I gotta say, is that little mini-story in "UP". It's heartbreaking, that love story.

This traffic kills me. 교통체증 장난아니네.

That film honestly kills me every time I watch it.

His response kills me every time.


gotta: got to의 축약형이며, "~해야한다" have to, must 등과 같은 의미.

We gotta go!

you gotta work.

I gotta cook, I gotta clean.

You gotta do what you gotta do, right?





