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[리얼클래스 학습일기] The Office Day 15 마니클의 직원 사기 진작 작전


복습_기억나는 문장 말하기

I read two to three books a month. It takes time to read a book.

I like reading because I can forget about things. I also think I become more imaginative from reading books.

I like reading books. It calms me down. When I read, I underline the important passages.

It is helpful to read. I sometimes write down some notes on the book when I think it is important.

when I finish a book, I always write a book report on it. It helps to organize my thoughts. Last weekend, I read an interesting novel. After that, I spent 2 hours writing a book report on it. 


I have to be there by 2.

I'm on my way to the subway station right now. I think I can be there in about half an hour. Everybody is there alredy?

Sorry, I'll be there as soon as I can.

리얼클래스 강의 내용

I suggested we flip a coin, but Angela said she doesn't like to gamble


→ flip a coin: 동전던지기를 하다 = coin toss

heads or tails?

heads:앞면 tails:뒷면


Let's just flip a coin.

We decided by flipping a coin.


Meredith's allergic to dairy.

 allergic to ~: ~에 알러지가 있다.

Some people are allergic to peanuts.

Are you allergic to anything?


It looks like there's gonna be downsizing.

look like는 외형적으로 닮았다는 것을 표현 할때도 사용하고, 어떤 상황을 제 3자의 입장에서 설명할 때에도 이표현을 사용할 수 있다,

"~처럼 보이는데","~같은데" 


It looks like he will fail the class.

It doesn't look like this lecture's going to end anytime soon.

강의가 금방 끝날 것 같진 않아보여.


It's a real shame.

안타까운 일이네요.

It's a shame you can't make it to the party.


Now, I think I've had a little stroke of genius, in that I have had my assistant Pam.

a stroke of genius:기발한 생각, 신의 한수

He fits right into the show. Bringing him back is a stroke of genius.

그  남자 쇼에 아주 잘 어울려. 다시 데려오기로 한게 신의 한 수야.

Well done. That was a stroke of genius.


I have had her go out and find out whose birthday is coming up.

have someone 동사원형 은 "누군가에게 ~하게 시키다" 정도의 의미가 있음.

I had my son clean his room.




100일 챌린지

I didn't mean to = It wasn't my intention

→ 그러려고 그런게 아냐/ 그럴 의도가 아니었어.

I meant to :  ~ (진심으로) 할려고했어

I was going to : ~하려고 했어 (좀더 캐쥬얼)

Do you mean that? 너 진심이야?

Are you serious?

1. I didn't mean to do that. It was an accident.

2.  I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

3. That's not what I meant to say.

4. She said she didn't mean to ghost on you. She meant to text you back.

5. That's just the way he talks. He didn't mean to be rude or anything.

톡톡 작문

A: What's your all-time favorite dessert?

B: Hmmm, I don't like sweet things actually. Sometimes, like once a year, I want to eat them. But basically, I don't buy chocolate, candy, jelly or something like that. I don't hate them but don't really like them.   

A: Oh, I see! what do you usually like to snack on if you don't go for sweets?

B: Yeah, so I don't like snacks either. I just prefer regular food. But, you know what, I love Coke. I always keep a bottle of Coke in my fridge. It's funny. I don't know why, I don't like sweet things except for Coke.

A: That's interesting! Coke. is definitely a popular choice. Do you have a favorite meal that you like to enjoy with your Coke?

B: Every meal fits with Coke, you know. Especially with oily food, and any meat. 

→  Coke goes well with every meal, especially with oily foods and any kind of meat.

A: I totally get that. Coke does go well with a lot of meals, especially oily food and meat. 

