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[리얼클래스 학습일기] The Office Day 9&14_새로운 강의를 제안하는 마이클


복습_기억나는 문장 말하기

I was on a healthy diet for 5 days. I've been limiting myself. but then I binge ate yesterday. I ate a slice of cake, 3 scoops of ice cream, and 5 pieces of chocolate.

리얼클래스 강의 내용

Okay, well, since I am leading this, let's get down to business.

→ get down to business:  일에 착수하다

Why don't we get down to business?

Should we get down to business right away?

We got down to business as soon as we met.


You know, the ball is in their court.

이젠 그들에게 달린거죠, 뭐


The ball is now in North Korea's court.


Let me ask you, is there a term besides Mexican that you prefer?

멕시코인 이라는 말 대신에 선호하는 말이 있나요?

→beside: ~옆에, ~외에/~를 제외하고, 게다가(부사)


Everyone besides her was at the party.

I wasn't invited to his party. Besides, I don't even know the guy.


You must have meant something.

무슨말 하려고 했잖아.

→ must have p.p: 과거에 발생한 일을 추측할때

She must've felt bad about what she did to him.

You must've been really tired. 





→ -itis: ~염증

enteritis 장염

rhinitis 비염

bronchitis 기관지염

conjunctivitis 결막염


When I am backed into a corner, that is when I come alive.

전 궁지에 몰렸을 때 비로소 살아납니다.

→ be backed into a corner: 궁지에 몰리다.

I was backed into a corner.

She felt like she was backed into a corner.

Don't back me into a corner.


You could be referring to anything.

→ refer to: ~를 참고하다, 언급하다, ~로 부르다/지칭하다, ~에 관련된

이야기 도중 다른주제나 사람 등에 대해 언급하는 경우에 사용할 수 있다.

She referred to the incident a few times. 그녀는 그 사건에 대해 몇번 언급했어.

I'm not referring to what he said yesterday. 어제 그가 말한 것에 대해 말하고 있는게 아니잖아.


I most certainly did not.

→most certainly: 절대적으로

definitely와 비슷하지만 좀 더 격식있고 고상한 표현

I won't be taking Mark's advice, but I would most certainly listen to what. Chris has to say.

Film making may look easy, but it most certainly is not.


Oh, man, would I love to go head-to-head with him.

세상에, 꼭 한번 대결해보고 싶어요.

→ go head-to-head with~: ~와 정면으로 맞서다.

= to compete with~

Clinton and Trump went head-to-head in their first debate.



100일 챌린지

It feels like vs I feel like

→ I feel like: 개인적/주관적/내안에서만

It feels like: 외부상황/날씨/분위기/비교적 객관적

I feel like something bad is going to happen.

It feels like something bad is going to happen.

I feel so cold in here

It feels so cold in here.


1. It feels like it's going to rain soon.

2. It feels like it was just yesterday.

3. It feels a little cold in this room, doesn't it?

4. It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!

5. They all dress the same. It feels like they're afraid to be different.


What does it feel like to live in the area that you're in?


It depends on something

→ something 에 따라 다르다.

1. That really depends on the person.

2. It depends on how hungry I am.

3. It depends on my professor and his mood on that day.

4. It depends. If you're allergic to dogs, you can't stay in my place.

5.  I'm not sure what time I can get there. It depends on the traffic.


여행갈 때 다음을 어떻게 결정하나요? 숙소/ 비행기/ 음식점/ 같이갈 사람

It depends on how close the hotel id to the station.

It depends on how close I am to that friend.

It depends on the price.




→ for (동)명사: ~치고는 / considering (현재분사) (that) S V :~를 고려하면

Considering you're not a native speaker, you speak English very well!


1. You're very mature for a teenage girl.

2. It was a letdown for a Marvel movie.

3. He looks super young for his age. Seriously, what's his secret?

4. I did it pretty well considering it was my first try.

5. Considering how cheap it was, this pen isn't so bad.


톡톡 작문

A: Do you have a morning ritual that energizes you?

B: No, I don't, but I want to create one. Do you have one? Can you recommend a good ritual for me if you have any?

A: I do! I usually start my day with a short workout and a healthy breakfast. It really helps me feel energized Maybe you could try some light stretching or a quick walk in the morning. What do you think?

B: That's a good idea. I like Pilates, actually. So it's good that I'm doing Pilates in the morning.

→ That's a good idea. I actually enjoy doing Pilates, so it's perfect that I do it in the morning.

A: That's great! Pilates is a wonderful way to start the day. Do you usually have breakfast after your Pilates session?

B: No, I don't usually have breakfast because I like sleeping more than eating. But recently, I've been waking up quite early, I don't know why. So, I'm thinking of trying to eat breakfast. I know eating breakfast is better than not.

→ No, I don't usually have breakfast because I prefer sleeping over eating. However, recently I've been waking up quite early, and I don't know why. So, I'm considering trying to eat breakfast. I know eating breakfast is better than not eating.

A: It sounds like a good plan to start having breakfast. It can really make a difference in your energy levels throughout the day. 
