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[리얼클래스 학습일기] The Office Day 8&13 짐의 장난에 계속 당하는 드와이트


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리얼클래스 강의 내용

That's probably throwing you off a little.

throw: 던지다, 팽개치다  throw ~off: ~을 당황하게 하다

Did I throw you off? 제가 당신을 당황하게 했나요?

That comment threw me off. 그말을 날 당황하게하네.

Do not throw me off like that. 그렇게 당황시키지마.


He's gonna lose it when he reads that.

lose it: 참지를 못하다, 미치다

I'm about to lose it.

I think he is losing it.

Everyone just lost it.


We can't write our disease down for you because this is confidential.

→ confidential : 비밀의, 기밀의, 기밀사항


confidential information

Is this confidential information.

I signed a confidentiality agreement. 난 기밀유지협약에 사인했어요. 

non-disclosure agreement(NDA)



Someone forged medical information, and that is a felony.

→ forge: 위조하다 felony: 중죄

forge a signature 

He forged the document on purpose.

She committed a felony.


That is not entirely true because he put me in charge of picking the healthy care plan.

→ put ... in charge of ~: ...에게 ~담당을 맡기다


I'm in charge of marketing.

She put me in charge.


It has been brought to my attention that some of you are unhappy with my plan.

몇몇분들이 제가 고른 상품에 불만족스러워하신다는 걸 알게되었습니다.

→ bring A to ~'s attention: ~에게 A를 인지시키다


"It (was/has been) brought to B's atttention (that~)."의 형태로 많이 쓰인다.

어떤 사실을 인지했는지 이미 언급했다면 that이하의 내용없이 문장을 마무리하면 되고, 글렇지 않을 경우 that이하에 인지한 사실을 풀어 설명하는 방식으로 말하면 된다.


I appreciate you bringing this problem to my attention.

The data leak was brought to the company's attention.

회사 측에서 자료 유출에 대해 알게 되었다.


So, like, let's say that my teeth turned to liquid. What would you call that?

내 치아가 액체러 바뀌었다고 치자.

→ Let's say~: ~라고 가정하자, ~ 라고 치자.


Let's say Paul doesn't show up. What would you do?

Let's say you're right and I'm wrong.

would 는 will의 과거형 뿐만아니라 "~라면"이라는 의미로 더 많이 쓰인다.

It would be great to have you over at my place tonight.

What would you do if you were him?



Oh, hey, listen, um, since I have you on the phone, um, can I fire Jim?

I have ~ on the phone: ~로부터 온 전화가 있습니다

I finally have you on the phone. Why is it so hard to reach you?






100일 챌린지

It's a thing 



#1 그런게 있대!

#2 유행이래, 트랜드래

#3 one's thing: ~의 취미/특기

    our's/ their's thing : 그들만의 활동, 전통

1. Wait, is that still a thing? 그거 아직 유행이야?

2. I can't believe a pet restaurant is actually a thing. 펫레스토랑이 진짜 있는지 몰랐다.

3. It's not really my thing to grow plants. I always kill them.

4. It's a girls' thing.  Guys wouldn't understand.

5. It's a Korean thing to sit on the floor and use the sofa as a backrest.

톡톡 작문

A: What's your philosophy in life?

B: Don't regret what you haven't done, and do it even though you already know that it will fail. It's going to be an experience even if it fails. So, do anything you can and want. Don't be scared about the challenge.

A: That's a very inspiring philosophy, I agree that experiences, even if they end in failure, can teach us a lot. Have you ever taken a big risk that turned into a valuable experience?

B: Yes, I have. I quit my job and moved to another country for a working holiday. I took on a completely different job. Everything was new and challenging. But I realized that there are so many people with various jobs. I learned to appreciate how hard they work for it and respect every single person.

A: Wow, that sounds like an amazing and challenging experience! It must have been eye-opening to see so many different jobs and meet people from various backgrounds What was the most memorable part of your working holiday?

B: The most memorable part of my working holiday is the people I met there. I met many kind people. I really appreciate it. They are my most valuable asset from the experience.

A: Meeting kind people can truly make any experience special. It sounds like you gained a lot from your working holiday. Thank you for sharing your story with me.
